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Weight Loss Resolution for 2009

The dangerous ingredients include sibutramine, rimonabant, phenytoin, and phenolphthalein. These illegal weight loss drugs contain at least one, and sometimes more than one of these ingredients.
Sibutramine is a controlled substance, and is found in Meridia which has been approved to be sold in the United States by prescription. However, the amounts found in the illegal drugs and supplements are up to three times the amount found in Meridia. Because of the high levels of sibutramine, those who take any of these illegal versions may be subject to increased blood pressure, tachycardia, palpitations, or seizures.
Rimonabant is a drug that has not been approved in the United States, and has been responsible for a handful of deaths in other parts of the world. It has not been approved because it has been found to cause increased risk of neurological and psychiatric side effects - seizures, depression, anxiety, insomnia, aggressiveness, and suicidal thoughts among patients.
Phenolphthalein used to be found in laxatives until it was removed from them in the late 1990s when it was found to be a carcinogen (meaning, causes cancer) and was also found to be responsible for changes in DNA
Phenytoin is found only in trace amounts in some of these illegal supplements. It has been used in the manufacture of Dilantin which is an approved anti-seizure drug, but which is not indicated for those who do not have seizures.

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