


- Mengandung ekstrak brokoli, bayam, wortel, wheat grass, beet dan alfalfa yang kaya akan phytonutrisi yang diperlukan untuk proses metabolisme tubuh dalam menunjang proses tumbuh kembang secara optimal
- Sebagai antioksidan untuk menjaga kesehatan, melancarkan aliran darah, meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh dan mengatur keseimbangan hormonal
- Kaya akan serat sehingga mencegah konstipasi (susah buang air besar)
- bayam kaya akan folic acid, kekurangannya dapat mengakibatkan lelah, anemia, sakit kepala, kerontokan rambut, pertumbuhan yang terhambat, berat badan dan nafsu makan menurun, insomnia, diare, dll
- kandungan chlorella, spirulina dan kelp berfungsi membersihkan fungsi usus dan pertumbuhan bakteri baik diusus
- Whole brown rice mengandung Selenium 15 kali lebih banyak dibanding white rice yang berfungsi sebagai antioksidan
- Membantu menstimulasi pembentuka sel darah merah untuk mencegah anemia
- Bagi anak yang menyukai makanan berlemak, dapat membantu mencegah penumpukan kolesterol dan LDL berlebih, yang menimbulkan penyakitdegeneratif di kemudian hari
- Vitamin A, B kompleks, C, dan E merupakan vitamin dasar yang membantu metabolisme tubuh untuk tumbuh kembang anak
- Meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh, membantu melindungi dari infeksi termasuk flu dan pilek
- Bersama dengan calcium yang berasal dari ASI/PASI membantu pembentukan tulang dan gigi serta menjaga kesehatannya
- Kekurangan Vitamin D bisa mengakibatkan penyakit Rickets dan Osteomalacia
- Vitamin B12 untuk membentuk sel darah merah, mencegah anemia
- Biotin untuk membantu pertumbuhan sel, metabolisme karbohidrat, protein, dan lemak. Juga menjaga kesehatan kulit agar terhindar dari penyakit dermatitis seborrhoic yang ditandai dengan kulit kepala kering dan bersisik
- Choline, membantu produksi hormon. kekurangan cholin akan mengganggu fungsi otak dan memori
- Bentuk cair, menggunakan dropper untuk memudahkan pemberiannya
- Rasa Jeruk alami tanpa mengandung gula, zat pewarna dan pengawet (100% alamiah)

- Fenusterol banyak mengandung saponin, bermanfaat untuk memperpaiki nafsu makan dan menstimulasi proses pencernaan
- Ginger root extract dikenal untuk membantu mencerna makanan dan memperbaiki metabolisme
- Digezyme mengandung enzim-enzim yang dibutuhkan seperti amylase, lipase dan protease, untuk mencerna karbohidrat, lemak, dan protein agar mudah diserap dan tidak menimbulkan masalah dipencernaan seperti kembung maupun mual
- Cococin extract berasal dari air kelapa yang sudah diproses (pembekuan), mengandung banyak nutrisi dan enzim yang bermanfaat untuk proses pencernaan, detoksifikasi dan meningkatkan metabolisme tubuh agar terhindar dari penimbunan lemak yang jahat.
- Lactospore mengandung flora baik untuk keseimbangan diusus, yang akan menjaga kesehatan pencernaan saat anda banyak makan dan mencegah terjadinya diare, membantu meningkatkan imunitas dan metabolisme.

- Membantu meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh terhadap berbagai serangan penyakit seperti kanker, hepatitis, diabetes dan penyakit jantung koroner.
- Membantu menyembuhkan luka serta menghaluskan dan meyegarkan kulit.
- Membantu mencegah serangan jantung, stroke dan darah tinggi.
- Mencegah kemerosotan daya kerja otak dan mencegah penyakit Alzheimer, dementia dan kepikunan
- Membantu menurunkan kadar kolesterol dan LDL
- Membantu mengatasi masalah PMS (Pre Menstruasi Syndrome)
- Baik untuk kesehatan mata dan persendian
Rotisserie Chicken. It's no wonder that nearly every grocery
store sells rotisserie chickens. You can serve one as is, shred it to
use for tacos, pasta dishes, or casseroles, or chop it for an entree
salad. You can even have it for dinner one night, then debone it and
freeze the leftover meat for a quick meal later in the week.
Diet-Friendly Desserts. Lower-calorie and portion-controlled
sweets mean that desserts can be part of any weight loss diet. Dieters
who crave ice cream love Skinny Cow ice cream cones (150 calories),
Edy's Slow-Churned ice cream bars (150 calories), and Fudgsicles (100
calories). Cookie lovers can enjoy Hershey's 100-calorie wafer
bars, Teddy Grahams, graham crackers, Fig Newtons, vanilla wafers, or
gingersnaps. On the road, try chewing on a piece of sugarless gum or
suck on a piece of hard candy to satisfy your sweet tooth without
sabotaging your diet.
Low-Fat and Fat-Free Dairy Products. Milk, yogurt
(solid, frozen, and drinkable), cheese, sour cream, and cream cheese are
available in lower-fat varieties that offer both healthy nutrients and
great taste. Laughing Cow light cheese has only 35 calories per
individually wrapped wedge, and Yoplait Fiber One nonfat yogurt combines
yogurt crunchy cereal for a fiber boost and only 50-80 calories per 4
oz. cup.
Fat-free half-and-half is a suitable substitute for heavy cream
with a fraction of the calories. And lower-fat and fat-free cream cheese
and sour cream can easily pitch-hit for their fattier counterparts,
particularly in recipes.
Flavored Mustards and Vinegars add sizzle to foods, with few
calories. Try honey, tarragon, ginger, garlic, wasabi, or Dijon
mustards, or balsamic, wine, herb, cider, fruit-flavored or, sherry
vinegars. Use them in place of oil, mayonnaise, or butter in recipes.
Healthier Fast Food. Fast food restaurants don't have to spell
disaster for dieters. Try Quiznos' Flatbread Sammies without cheese or
dressing (all less than 250 calories,except the Italiano) or a small
Honey Bourbon Chicken sub (275 calories); Taco Bell's Fresco-style items
(less than 180 calories); McDonald's Southwest salad with grilled
chicken (290 calories without dressing); or any of Subway's subs with 6
grams of fat or less (230-380 calories).
Calorie-Controlled Snacks. Plenty of consumers are
buying the 100-calorie (more or less) snack packs of everything from
chips to cupcakes, but are they really the answer for weight loss?
Carolyn O'Neil, RD, author of The Dish on Eating Healthy and Being Fabulous,
likes calorie-controlled packages because they eliminate the chance for
mindless overeating. "Foods packaged in 100-calorie packs do the work
and calorie math for you so you can enjoy snacking on foods that need to
be enjoyed in limited amounts," she says.
Quaker Mini Delights (90 calories) and Hostess 100-calorie cupcakes are among the more addictive options.
But Lona Sandon, MEd, RD, says that though these snacks can
satisfy a sweet tooth, "many of them won't fill you up for very long,
and can't replace a more nutritious snack."
Light Salad Dressings: Nearly half of the salad dressings
you'll see on your grocer's shelves are reduced in calories and/or fat.
Use Wish-Bone salad spritzers to lightly mist your salads, or try one of
the many light or nonfat salad dressings. Another option is to make
your own lower-calorie dressing, using more vinegar than oil, as well as
a little water.
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Fat Lost, Muscle Still On

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The Basics of Weight Loss
Keep track of how many calories you eat. For at least a week, enter and track your calories online (e.g., with Calorie Count) or use a food journal to write down what you eat and drink each day. Be as accurate as possible, measuring when you need to or looking up nutritional information for restaurants, if you eat out. After a week, add your totals for each day and average them out to get a general idea of how many calories you eat each day.
Add it up. Take your BMR number and add your activity calories. Then subtract your food calories from that total. If you're eating more than your BMR + your activity calories, you're at risk for gaining weight. read more
That Foods, Burn Calories!
Eat Foods High in Fiber
Celery and cabbage have long been touted as "calorie burning" foods, simply because the energy used to digest these foods is greater than the energy, or calories, ingested by eating the foods. An added benefit of these foods is that they are fibrous and filling, which means you will feel satisfied faster and on many fewer calories that other food choices. Keep in mind, however, that you don't want your caloric intake to be too low to cause a drop in metabolism. When your metabolism drops, you will retain more weight as the body responds to what it thinks is a period of malnutrition.
Vitamin C is also believed to be a calorie burner and a weight loss booster. Foods that are high in Vitamin C and also high in fiber and low in calories include oranges, tangerines (fresh, not canned), grapefruit (which are 90 percent water!), limes and lemons.
Eat Low-Fat Dairy Products
Recent studies have been pointing to the fact that dieters who eat at least two to three servings of low-fat dairy products a day, like cottage cheese and yogurt, lose weight faster, keep it off longer, and lose more weight in the belly area than dieters who don't include dairy products in their diets.
Easy lunch additions include single-serving sizes of low-fat string cheese, individually wrapped low-fat cheese wedges, milk cartons (not just for elementary school cafeterias anymore) and even fat-free sour cream in place of other condiments.
Choose Foods Rich in B12
Eggs, milk, low-fat cheese and cereals that have been vitamin-enriched are all good sources of vitamin B12. Some sources state that B12 increases the body's fat-burning ability. Every gram of fat equals 9 calories, so when you burn fat, you burn calories, too. Vitamin B12 is also known to fight fatigue and speed up the metabolism, which are benefits that can give a boost to any dieter
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A 2,010-Calorie Shake
Americans have a drinking problem, we simply consume too much nutrient-empty, calorie-full liquids. Blame food marketers for the ever-expanding serving vessels, chock-full of cheap sugar substitutes, a variety of hard-to-pronounce chemicals, and tons of fats.
But it’s not all doom and gloom, it turns out, those liquid calories are the easiest kind to cut. And a recent study from Johns Hopkins University found that people who cut liquid calories from their diets lose more weight, and keep it off longer, than people who cut food calories. In fact, cutting those calories in half could mean you could drop around 23 pounds in one year!
Two years ago, Eat This, Not That! exposed the 20 Unhealthiest Drinks in America. The list was bad in the scary, jaw-dropping sense: Belt-busting beverages that tipped the scales at over 1,000 (and sometimes, 2,000) calories; hundreds of grams of blood-glucose-spiking sugar, and a slew of unnatural and exotic-sounding additives.
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